Plan View

   Plan View is a site-specific interactive installation that explores the different scales of life and consciousness. Leaning over a balcony railing, the viewer uses an infrared flashlight to reveal a virtual terrain projected far below them. The denizens of this world are “blorbs” (blob-orbs), who resemble single-celled organisms, wandering around the map, exploring its … Read More


While interning at FakeLove, I helped create an interactive installation that premiered at the Future of Storytelling in New York. I programmed an LED ring that fit inside a 3D-printed pocket watch, which responded as visitors approached. Using RFIDs hidden in pouches, the watch acknowledged the guests by displaying a pattern of animated glyphs based … Read More

Influential Body

influentialBody was a dance project for which I designed projections. Working with choreographer Andrea Gise, I combined prerecorded video, animation, interactive content and live feeds into a multichannel projection in which the dancers were able to move. The piece explored the relationship between the physical and digital body. To expand on this, I explored the … Read More

ElectroBatique Particles

I was hired by the incredible Workhorse Design Co. to develop a custom particle system to enhance the movement of aerialists in a product announcement for a new brand of water. Build in Processing, the particles respond to both coordinates sent from a tracking system via OSC as well as manual input cued with the … Read More

Microsoft Conference Heat Map

I used Processing to develop a real-time visualization of where remote participants in a 2013 Microsoft Developer Conference were logging in from. Working with a team of back-end developers to poll XML data from their webcasting server, we were able to map the users onto their appropriate locations. Project produced and designed by Austin Switser. … Read More

Citi Open Social Wall I was hired to program an interactive screen for guests at the Citi Open tournament in Washington, DC. It gathered a moderated feed of tweets, cycled through local photos of the event, live updates, as well as presenting the attendants’ votes in a poll as to who would win. I programmed it from scratch … Read More

Time 100 Social Media Wall

Citi and Time Magazine needed a way to engage their audience at the Time 100 reception. To do this, we developed a video wall that displayed tweets about the event, an instagram feed of pictures users were tagging, Twitter avatars of participants, and a custom-tailored news page created by social media partner, Rebel Mouse. Project … Read More


Inspired by tone matrices, I collaborated with a mathematics masters student and a sound designer to translate “hex-binned” data into music. The Max patch receives a JSON file output by R, visualizes it and “audiolizes” it according to data and user-defined parameters. A user can define the starting pitch, key, tempo, etc., and the data … Read More