Back 2 School

15 Oct ’14By JesseBlog

Well, summer is over and another year of grad school has begun. This year already has a completely different feeling than last year. Not only do I know what to expect, but I had much more freedom in choosing my classes, and I picked some great ones. First off, Visual Literacy, taught by Gail Swanlund, … Read More

Singapore, Goya

24 Aug ’14By JesseBlog

So, I was fortunate enough to be hired as the assistant on “Facing Goya,” a new opera about genes, craniology, eugenics and cloning. The opera premiered at the Spoleto festival earlier this year, and travelled to Singapore as a part of the Singapore International Festival of the Arts. This meant I got to go with … Read More

Alternative Creative Coding Platforms

26 Jul ’14By JesseBlog

It's been a while since I've posted- I've been pretty wrapped up in work at Fake Love and Switser+Knight. It's been a little slow at Fake Love and I've used some of my time to research alternatives to the more established platforms for making generative work. I got sucked into the rabbit hole of internet … Read More

Elements of Oz, Etc.

4 Jul ’14By JesseBlog

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. It’s hard working in an office all the time! That said, some exciting things have been happening. Not only have things been moving forward at FakeLove (I’m still playing with some really cool toys), but I worked with The Builders Association last week workshopping a new show, tentatively … Read More

First Week at Fake Love

21 Jun ’14By JesseBlog

I just finished my first week back in New York and my first week of my internship at Fake Love. I don’t know how much I can talk about it, since I’ve been sworn to secrecy in my contract. I think I can say that it’s been a great and inspiring experience so far. The … Read More

Jesse’s Guide to Amsterdam

19 Jun ’14By JesseBlog 3 Comments

What a week. After finishing up teching Emilie, I caught an early flight to Amsterdam via Munich and had a week of honest-to-god vacation. I was hesitant about staying there because I’ve always sort of pictured it as the Las Vegas of Europe. With the lax drug laws, the legendary Red Light District and the … Read More

Helsinki- Emilie Tech

8 Jun ’14By JesseBlog

Last week, I assisted in teching Emilie, a projection-heavy one-woman opera, at the Finnish National Opera. The show isn’t until next March, but we spent the week putting it back together and preparing it for rep. It’s really bizarre to spend the week doing everything you would to prepare for a show without the satisfaction … Read More

Helsinki, Here I Come!

1 Jun ’14By JesseBlog

I am currently several thousand feet above the Atlantic, full of Hägen-Daz and sipping on complimentary cognac. Somehow, I got bumped up to Business Class for the longest leg of my trip to Helsinki. And, apparently, Business Class is something Lufthansa takes very seriously, and has forever ruined economy air travel for me. The seats … Read More


21 May ’14By JesseBlog

So, now that I’m done with school for the semester, I’m finding myself with a considerable amount of time on my hands. You can only watch so much House before you get restless. I’ve been meaning to learn Unity for a while now, I even bought a book recommended by a teacher at school, Beginning … Read More

Grad School, Year 1: Reflections

19 May ’14By JesseBlog

So, I finished my first year of grad school. It’s hard to believe it’s over. It’s been quite a year, for a number of reasons, exciting at times, challenging at others, enlightening at others. I’ve met some incredible people, seen some fantastic work and learned a lot about myself and my process. Grad school hasn’t … Read More

Sontag in Boston

9 May ’14By JesseBlog

This week, I helped the Builders Association put up Sontag:Reborn at ArtsEmerson. Like any show, we had some difficulties getting it off the ground– a dead motherboard, faulty in-wall cabling, a weak SDI run, a DOA rental projector and a video designer who got stuck in Italy. However, despite all of this, we still managed … Read More

Allosphere: the Future is at UCSB

3 May ’14By JesseBlog

I visited the Allosphere at UC Santa Barbara today with the other video designers. I was trying to keep my expectations low and ready for disappointment, but I was totally blown away. The Allosphere is a spherical room with a bridge through the center. 26 projectors fill the walls (if you can call them that) … Read More